Sustainability is Sexy
Sustainability is Sexy
111: Santosha Nutrition
In this episode, Fio Borkert of The Bountiful Bag interviews Liz about her business Santosha Nutrition and passion for sustainable, plant based food. We chat about farm to table, Liz's new cookbook and more!
Santosha Nutrition: https://www.santoshanutrition.com
Sand N' Straw Community Farm: https://www.sandnstraw.com
Imperfect Foods: https://www.imperfectfoods.com/
JR Organics: https://www.jrorganicsfarm.com/
Maciel Farmily Organics: https://www.facebook.com/macielfamilyorganicfarm/
Leucadia Farmers Market: http://www.leucadiafarmersmarket.com/
Nomad Vegan Eats: https://www.nomadveganeats.com/events/vegan-food-pop-up
Solana Center: https://www.solanacenter.org/
The Bountiful Bag: https://thebountifulbag.com/
Sonora Refillery: https://diyrefill.com/
Plantiful Kitchen: https://plantiful-kitchen.com/
The Green House: https://www.thegreenhouseoceanside.com/
Sustainability is Sexy: https://www.sustainabilityissexy.org